Hydraulic Tyre Curing Press Technical Data
项目 ITEM |
单位 UNIT |
硫化室数目 Curing Cavity No. |
2 |
硫化室保温罩内径 Mould Shield I.D. |
mm |
Φ1220 |
最大合模力 Max. Squeezing Force |
kN |
1960×2 |
硫化模型高度 Mould Height |
mm |
300-560 |
中心机构结构形式 Center Mechanism |
适用钢圈直径 Tyre Bead Diameters |
in |
13-20 |
硫化轮胎最大外径 Max. O.D. of Cured Tyre |
活络模SGM |
mm |
Φ860 |
两半模2-Piece Mould |
mm |
Φ900 |
硫化轮胎最大厚度 Max. Section Width of Cured Tyre |
mm |
350 |
胎坯最大高度 Max Green Tyre Height |
mm |
600 |
理论开/合模时间 Designed Mould Open/Close Time |
s |
30/26 |
机械手可抓取最大重Max. Load of VCL |
kg |
80 |
模具最大重量 Max Mould Weight |
kg |
4500 |
高压油压力HP Oil Pressure |
MPa |
16 |
低压油压力LP Oil Pressure |
MPa |
7 |
硫化介质最大外压 Max. External Pressure |
MPa |
1.4 |
硫化介质最大内压Max. Internal Pressure |
MPa |
2.8 |
动力水压力Hydraulic Water Pressure |
MPa |
2.1 |
动力空气压Compressed Air Pressure |
MPa |
0.7 |
控制空气压力Control Air Pressure |
MPa |
0.35 |
后充气充气压PCI Inflation Pressure |
MPa |
0.7 |
后充气适合轮网宽度PCI Rim Width |
mm |
100-330 |
注: 硫化轮胎最大外径和硫化轮胎最大厚度两尺寸与模具有关,表中硫化轮胎最大外径为预计值、硫化轮胎最大厚度为机器可通过的轮胎最大厚度值。
Remark: As Max.O.D.and Max.Section Width of cured tyre are related to the mould dimensions,the Max.O.D. shown in the above table are estimated value. And values for Max. Section Width are the Max.size which can pass through the curing cavities.